Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Salty Bath Relief For Cystitis Yeast Infection Home Remedies.....any Doctors...please?

Yeast infection home remedies.....any doctors...please? - salty bath relief for cystitis

I know this question before, but I like more answers ....
I have this and want to know if it works:

the word is censored v @ gina

Stay away from sanitary napkins and tampons, deodorants, aerosols, such as
as deos, perfumes, bubble baths, color toilet paper
which could cause tissue irritation GRAB * l *

Take a tampon and dip it in yogurt. Put in * a * GRAB
at least twice a day and one or two days after his
Symptoms have disappeared.

A few drops of tea tree oil and added over buffers, cast
* * GRAB can be helped.

Eating foods that are rich in vitamin C than
Potatoes, citrus fruits and broccoli.

Fill the tub with hot wateradequate to the affected
Domain. Add ½ cup of salt or so, enough to really make the water
Salt and ½ cup of vinegar. Immerse yourself in the bathtub
approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
Is it ok to do? is the pH of my body?

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